Serverworks chip sets

Steffen Persvold sp at
Mon Dec 11 09:14:20 PST 2000

Ray Muno wrote:
> We are currently looking at different ServerWorks based boards for dual
> CPU cluster nodes.
> Is the STREAM info available for different boards?
> We have access to 3 different ServerWorks machines right now, a 370DER HE-SL,
> an Intel STL2 (LE) and a Dell Poweredge 1400 (SE).
I don't think there is anything called a Serverworks SE chipset, DELL
must have misstyped it. The types I know of is HE, HE-SL, LE and WS
(which I actually think is the HE-SL),
> They are dual CPU machines.  At the moment, we do not find the the HE-SL
> buys us anything with the codes we have run (actual CFD codes we run locally).
> If I want to run the STREAM benchmark, does anyone have any pointers?
> We only have access to the 370DER machine for a few days so we would like
> to gather as much info as possible.

Stream result on a 370DER with dual PIII 800EB (133MHz) 512MB ECC RAM

One CPU:
# OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ./stream_d.x86.omp 
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
 Array size =    2000000
 Offset     =          0
 The total memory requirement is   45 MB
 You are running each test  20 times
 The *best* time for each test is used
 *EXCLUDING* the first and last iterations
 Your clock granularity appears to be less than one microsecond
 Your clock granularity/precision appears to be      1 microseconds
Function     Rate (MB/s)  Avg time   Min time  Max time
Copy:        343.4030      0.0932      0.0932      0.0933
Scale:       373.7880      0.0857      0.0856      0.0857
Add:         438.1443      0.1096      0.1096      0.1096
Triad:       437.6808      0.1097      0.1097      0.1097
 Solution Validates!

Two CPU's:
# OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 ./stream_d.x86.omp 
 Double precision appears to have 16 digits of accuracy
 Assuming 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word
 Array size =    2000000
 Offset     =          0
 The total memory requirement is   45 MB
 You are running each test  20 times
 The *best* time for each test is used
 *EXCLUDING* the first and last iterations
 Your clock granularity appears to be less than one microsecond
 Your clock granularity/precision appears to be      1 microseconds
Function     Rate (MB/s)  Avg time   Min time  Max time
Copy:        448.5438      0.0720      0.0713      0.0735
Scale:       461.8001      0.0699      0.0693      0.0711
Add:         530.2986      0.0911      0.0905      0.0922
Triad:       533.1437      0.0907      0.0900      0.0919
 Solution Validates!

> As an aside, does anyone have any comments on the Intel STL2.  For all the
> ServerWorks traffic, I have not seen much mention of this board. It is
> interesting to us since it appears to have the ability to control it from
> the serial port (EMP port in Intels docs).  I would like to have access
> to the BIOS over the serial port and this is not something I see mention
> of from other manufacturers.

The 370 DER board from Supermicro has the 'BIOS over serial port'
feature but it's not EMP (well atleast I don't think so).

There are also other Serverworks based mainboards which have this
feature (e.g the Tyan 2510). Actually I think it's up to the BIOS
manufacturer to implement this feature, and both Tyan and Serverworks
use AMI bios.

One feature I would like to have on the PC platform is the ability to
drop the whole menu driven BIOS thing and use a more command line like
interface (Like on Alphas and SPARC). If the motherboards could
autodetect (wich I already think it does) that there is no VGA adapter,
it could switch over to the serial port interface. Wouldn't that be a
cluster friendly BIOS ?

Best regards,
  Steffen Persvold               Systems Engineer
  Email : mailto:sp at     Scali AS (
  Tlf   : (+47) 22 62 89 50      Olaf Helsets vei 6
  Fax   : (+47) 22 62 89 51      N-0621 Oslo, Norway

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