MPICH-1.2.0: p4_error: Could not allocate memory for commandline argv: 251658240

Vanessa Beddo vbeddo at
Wed Aug 30 14:06:31 PDT 2000


I am having problems getting my Powerpc's and Intel X86 boxes to work together using MPICH-1.2.0.
I have been able to succesfully compile and use MPICH on both the PowerPC and X86 machines separately.
However when I try to run a program on both architectures at the same time I'm getting error messages.

My configuration is as follows:

4 Pentium machines (P3-700, P166, P100, P75) running Redhat Linux 6.2 
4 PowerPC's (6500/250, 8550/200, 6400/180, 7600/120) running Suse Linux 6.4 (powerpc edition)
I have properly configured the hosts files, nfs, pam etc.

When I use the following procgroup file which uses only one of the Intels and PowerPC's

 powerpc 0 /home/arno/CPI
 intel 1 /home/arno/CPI

so I ran:

root at dns: /home/arno # mpirun -p4pg procgroup -v CPI

 -running /home/arno/CPI on 1 LINUX ch_p4 processors
 -p1_1283:  p4_error: Could not allocate memory for commandline argv: 251658240
 -p0_3902: (1.661768) Trying to receive a message when there are no connections; Bailing out
 -rm_l_1_1284:  p4_error: interrupt SIGINT: 2
 -P4 procgroup file is procgroup.

If I do this with this PROCGROUP file:

 intel 0 /home/arno/CPI
 powerpc 1 /home/arno/CPI

root at gateway: /home/arno #  mpirun -p4pg procgroup -v CPI
 -running /home/arno/CPI on 1 LINUX ch_p4 processors
 -p1_4089:  p4_error: Could not allocate memory for commandline args: 251658240
 -p0_9700: (2.792165) Trying to receive a message when there are no connections; Bailing out
 -rm_l_1_4090:  p4_error: interrupt SIGINT: 2
 -P4 procgroup file is procgroup.

Please help,

Arno Ouwehand

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