SSH clarification

Traveler Hauptman t-hauptman at
Thu Aug 24 06:45:56 PDT 2000

Thank you all for your replies to my inquiry. I realized when I got them
that I didn't ask the question quite right. I will be the system
administrator for a small beowulf with a medium number of users who are as a
rule not experts with unix when they start using the system. I would like to
set up secure shell so that it works globaly for all users without every
individual having to set up keys or any other files.

The OpenSSH man page suggests that this is possible by using a
/etc/ssh_known_hosts and /etc/hosts.equiv calling it RSA+Rhosts
Authentication. I am using RPM's for RH6.2.

Is there anyone out there who has set up OpenSSH to use this type of

Otherwise I guess I will just write a script to set up the keys during new
user adds.


Traveler Hauptman

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