pricing on gig ether

Patrick GEOFFRAY pgeoffra at
Wed Aug 2 20:19:35 PDT 2000

Joel Jaeggli wrote:
> in the context of gig-ether switch pricing I've been looking at pricing

> that's like $1300 for the switch and $1000 for each 4 port gig card, 16
> ports 22Gb/s backplane.
> so for the recoord that's 4300 / 16 = 268.75 per port


4*1000+1300 = 5300
5300/16 = 331.25 per port, but it's still good :-)

22 Gb/s backplane provides 1.37 Gb/s per port, so 700 MB/s
full-duplex. The problem in this case is scalability : what about
a 32 nodes cluster, or 64 nodes, or even 128 nodes ?
It's nice to see the price of GigEthernet switchs goes down. Not
so long ago, a 8 ports would have cost around $1000 per port.
The other interconnect solutions (Myrinet, SCI, Giganet) will have
to adjust their price to follow the GigEthernet market...

Patrick Geoffray
Aerospatiale Matra - Sycomore
Universite Lyon I - RESAM

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