From naughtont at Mon Dec 10 09:12:15 2007 From: naughtont at (Thomas Naughton) Date: Tue Nov 9 01:14:21 2010 Subject: [Beowulf-announce] Call for Papers - OSCAR'08 Message-ID: Hello, Please see the below "Call for Papers" for the upcoming Symposium on OSCAR and HPC Cluster Systems (OSCAR'08), We encourage those interested to submit papers and share the CFP with your colleagues. Thanks, --tjn #### The 6th Annual Symposium on OSCAR and HPC Cluster Systems June 9-11, 2008 Universite Laval Quebec City, QB, Canada CALL FOR PAPERS The 6th annual Symposium on OSCAR and HPC Cluster Systems (OSCAR '08) will be held June 9-11, 2008 in conjunction with the 22nd Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications hosted at the Universite Laval in Quebec City, QB, Canada. This year we are expanding the symposium's scope to encompass more generally the area of HPC cluster computing. The emphasis is still primarily at the system level, as opposed to HPC applications. This includes the tools and techniques as well as experiences. We also encourage authors to provide critical analysis of emerging topics in clustering, to include heterogeneous or hybrid systems, reconfigurable systems, virtualized systems, and all topics related to their use and management. This may include high-level descriptions or low-level capabilities -- the software and hardware aspects of HPC clusters. Topics of interest: ------------------- Authors are encouraged to submit papers on topics relating to, but not limited to, the following: * Cluster management issues, particularly those at large scale * HPC cluster software and/or hardware case studies * Heterogeneous/hybrid cluster management * Cluster tools/infrastructure * Build and configuration management techniques/tools * Administration policy/practice (experiences) * Cluster management software surveys * System description/interfaces * Fault tolerance * System resilience * Emerging hardware/systems * Diskless systems * Cluster and system virtualization * Experience papers * System software testing and validation Submission Guidelines: ---------------------- All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings to be published by the IEEE. Formatting information will be available on the OSCAR'08 conference website. Papers will be limited to 7-pages in double-column IEEE proceedings format. Important Dates: ---------------- Submission Deadline: January 21, 2008 Acceptance Notification: February 26, 2008 Final Paper Deadline: March 21, 2008 #### _________________________________________________________________________ Thomas Naughton Research Associate (865) 576-4184