[vortex] Problem whit an old 3c905B-Tx

Alessandro Villani avillani@science.unitn.it
Thu Apr 3 04:40:00 2003

>>>>> "Donald" == Donald Becker <becker@scyld.com> writes:


    Donald> This has now been added to vortex-diag.  With v2.13 and later of
    Donald> vortex-diag you can set the default media type with vortex-diag -F
    Donald> Autonegotiation -w or vortex-diag -F 8 -w

  It worked! I give the command "vortex-diag -F Autonegotiation -w" and now the
  card start at 100Mb (and also the DHCP is able to give the addresses to the
  card at startup).

  Thank you very very much!


Alessandro Villani			 Tel: +39 0461 883918
Head of Computer Networks Lab.		 Fax: +39 0461 882093
University of Trento
Via Sommarive 14			 E-mail: avillani@science.unitn.it
38050 -- POVO (TN)   	 		 http://www.dit.unitn.it/~avillani/