Linksys Cardbus 10/100 on .90q

Bruce Lowekamp
Wed Feb 24 10:32:05 1999

I tested 0.90q with pcmcia 3.0.9 on my Linksys Cardbus 21143TD today,
running on a TP600 with 2.0.36.

Complete success.

Not only did everything work without any modifications, but whatever
performance problems there were went away without trying any of the
CSR mods that were suggested yesterday.

I was able to pull 1000Kbps through an ftp over a 10bT hub, which
is about the maximum.

I couldn't test a direct connection through a 100bT network, since I
don't have accounts on two machines that are directly connected.  I
did some transfers that are purely 100bT, but go through a router, and
got similar performance numbers to what my alpha gets on that network,
so I'm pretty happy with that behavior.  If I can get hold of another
machine on the same 100bT network, I'll do some more tests and see if
any of the CSR modifications help.

Thanks, Donald.
