Determining device names

Gerhard Sittig
Tue Apr 11 22:19:52 2000

On Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 11:43 -0600, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> Pardon the newbie question.  I have have three Intel eepro100
> interfaces in a machine.  How do I determine/control which will
> be eth0, eth1 and eth2?

PCI slots are counted in a manner which should be discribed in
your mobo's manual.  The driver should find (and number) these
cards in the very same order.  "cat /proc/pci" ls "lspci" should
show you io values according to the PCI slots, as well.

Simple approach:  Do the usual ifconfig(8) / route(8) / ping(8)
sequence and watch the lights on the cards' ends. :)

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