drivers possibly taking out system...

Scott M. Stone
Wed Apr 5 13:09:47 2000

I have a machine here running a 2.0.36 kernel.  It's doing IP masquerading
for about 150 or so machines (mixed OS).  It was running with a single
3c595B PCI card on which both its internal (masqueraded) and external
networks resided.  It worked, but it had some problems (performance
related).  I decided to upgrade it, so I pulled out the 3c595 and put in a
pair of those new i82559-based "Management adapters" from Intel.  I
downloaded the latest driver source, compiled, installed, did the upgrade,
and everything seemed to work.  Then, a week or so later, the system
crashed hard, had to cold boot it (this was last Friday afternoon).  Today
it did it again.  The only thing that's changed in the system are the NICs
and the NIC drivers.

So, I guess my questions are:

1.  are there any known problems with the driver and the i82559 based

2.  are there any known problems with the driver and 2.0.36 kernels?

3.  What do you suggest I do about this?? :)

Scott M. Stone, CCNA <>
UNIX Systems and Network Engineer
Taos - The SysAdmin Company 

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