<HTML><BODY> Skylar Thompson <skylar.thompson@gmail.com> wrote:<br><br>>Hibernation isn't strictly suspension - it's writing all allocated,<br>>non-file-backed portions of memory to the paging/swap space. When the<br>>system comes out of hibernation, it boots normally and then looks for a<br>>hibernation image in the paging space. If it finds one, it loads that<br>>back into system memory rather than proceeding with a regular boot. This<br>>is in contract to system suspension, which depends on hardware support<br>>to place CPU, memory, and other system devices into a low power state,<br>>and wait for a signal to power things back up, bypassing the boot process.<br><br>Taking into account small size of my swap partition (4GB only), less than my RAM size,<br>(I wrote about this situation in my 1st message) the hibernation image may not fit into swap partition. Therefore coding of -part2 (for /) in resume statement is preferred (right for general case). <br><br>>I'm not a SuSE expert so I'm not sure what YaST is doing, but I imagine<br>>you have to make grub changes via YaST rather than editing the grub<br>>configs directly.<br>>Skylar<br>Generally speaking, you are right. But I myself strongly prefer to know what occurs at linux level - to have the "natural" possibility (enough knowledge) to work w/OpenSUSE, Fedora etc. <br>So I prefer to change GRUB2 configuration files :-)<br><br>Mikhail<br><br>>>On 06/09/2013 11:37 AM, Mikhail Kuzminsky wrote:<br>> >I have swap in sda1 and "/" in sda2 partitions of HDD. At installation<br>> >of OpenSUSE 12.3 (where YaST2 is used) on my cluster node I found<br>> >erroneous, by my opinion, boot loader (GRUB2) settings.<br>>><br>> >YaST2 proposed (at installation) to use<br>> >... resume=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC-... -part1 splash=silent ...<br>>><br>> >in configuration of GRUB2. This parameters are transmitted (at linux<br>> >loading) by GRUB2 to linux kernel. GRUB2 itself, according my<br>> >installation settings, was installed to MBR. I changed (at installation<br>> >stage) -part1 to -part2, but after that YaST2 restored it back to -<br>> >part1 value !<br>> >And after installation OpenSuSE boots successfully !<br>> >I found (in installed OpenSuSE) 2 GRUB2 configuration files w/erroneous<br>>> -part1 setting.<br>>><br>> >I found possible interpretation of this behaviour in /var/log/messages.<br>> >I found in this file the strings:<br>> >[Kernel] PM: Checking hibernation image partition<br>> >/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_...-part1<br>>><br>> >[Kernel] PM: Hibernation Image partition 8:1 present<br>> >[Kernel] PM: Looking for hibernation image.<br>> >{Kernel] PM: Image not found (code -22)<br>> >[Kernel] PM: Hibernation Image partitions not present or could not be<br>loaded<br>>><br>> >What does it means ? The hibernation image is writing to swap partition<br>> >? But I beleive that hibernation is really suppressed in my Linux<br>> >(cpufreq kernel modules are not loaded) , and my BIOS settings do not<br>> >allow any changes of CPU frequency. BTW, my swap partition is small (4<br>> >GB, but RAM size is 8 GB).<br>>><br>> >Which GRUB2/resume settings are really right and why they are right ?<br><br><br></BODY></HTML>