Hi all,<br><br>What is the be the best way of using MPI persistent communication in an iterative/repetative kind of code about calling MPI_Free(); Should we call MPI_Free() in every iteration or<br>only once when all the iterations/repetitions are performed?<br>
Means which one is the best out of following two:<br><br>(1)<br>Call this subroutines 1000 times<br>=============================<br> call MPI_RECV_Init() <br> call MPI_Send_Init()<br> call MPI_Startall()<br>
call MPI_Free()<br>=============================<br><br>(2)<br>
Call this subroutines 1000 times<br>===========================<br>
call MPI_RECV_Init() <br>
call MPI_Send_Init()<br>
call MPI_Startall()<br>==========================<br> call MPI_Free() --------- call it only once at the end.<br><br><br>Thanks in advance.<br>best regards<br>AA<br>
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