A big discussion I see . . .<br>
Finally I was able to get the diskless set up running, and the machines
did come with disks . . . I set it up diskless just to save time.<br>
And actually Bio Chemistry work is going to be performed on this
cluster, but I don't think a lot many people would be working on it at
the same time, hence we aren't going to have a big cluster of nodes,
probably not even hundred for that matter. As some of you said already,
I could create local swap partitions on each but I wanted to make one
computer have all the hard disks so its not really hard to you know
access the left over memory. The computers come for the company, so the
hard disks have a decent amount of memory I believe (around 300GB
each). Since this is diskless at the moment, and the virtually each
machines hostname and ip address changes according to the order they
are switched on, you can think how hard it is going to be to access the
hard disks from some node. I already said, we aren't making a super
computer, its only going to be used by one research group, the
university provides us super computers to work on but people here just
love to destroy other people's research work.<br>
I want to emphasize that it is a small cluster and will remain quite
small, i can just shut the machines off by pressing the buttons without
even moving an inch, and of course we always have SSH to do the thing
for us.<br>
Some sophisticated things you guys mentioned there, but I doubt we'd need it.<br>
And at the moment, there is no administration software installed for
the cluster, I am actually just working on about what the software
wants me to install. THats MPICH1 for one and HPMPI for another. I am
new to linux networking and to clusters, my ability comes from
tutorials which are scarce and I don't know how outdated (decades to be
precise) or I am looking for them in the wrong place. Therefore if you
could give your suggestions to this newbie, it'd be appriciated.<br>
And to mention, we are using Schrodinger suit of software and Accelry's Materials Studio here.