Hi , <br><br>I am wondering if any of the following has been done :<br><br>1. Cluster by ip , e.g a cluster with pc placed in different locations and each location does a different task based on its ip (the task has not been specified ) <br>
<br>2. Mobile clusters : any one by any small chance looked into clusters over mobile application such iphone or andriod ?<br>things could be headed in that direction , you never know. although it could be a minor cluster , although I cant really think of a use at the moment . maybe something to do with sending a sms , getting data and analysing that data , then sending more information.Perhaps , playing a song at one phone and playing another son at a another phone , could be really useful for large amounts of data , that need to be stored over a network or for balancing the data network (although i doubt thats a problem) <br>
<br>Just my thoughts<br><br>Regards <br><br>Malcolm<br><br><br><br><br>