Hello all again:<br><br>I thought I would add a little more background about myself and the intended cluster. I am an artist and a computer programmer and am planning on using this cluster as a starting point to do research on building an ideal cluster for Animation for my own personal/entrepreneurial work. It would reside in my art studio. As an artist the idea of rack mounting the commodity PCS is much more fun that piling up the PCS.<br>
<br>I was thinking of working with a local hardware friend and figuring out how to screw on motherboards onto hardware type racks. Im sure there are better tried and tested racks out there that are not expensive. Any suggestions on the actual physical hardware for constructing racks for upto 16PCs. <br>
<br>Also any thoughts on racks versus piles of PCS. <br><br>A lot of the posts on the internet are old and out of date. I am wondering what the upto date trends are in racking commodity computers to create beowulf clusters. What should i be reading?<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Best regards,<br>arjuna<br><a href="http://www.brahmaforces.com">http://www.brahmaforces.com</a><br>