<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td valign='top' style='font: inherit;'><P>I am, wirin my home for a high-speed intranet, to internet fateway. I had ;planned 10/100/1000 and Catb6 cables, but with the merger ofr entertainment, my 50,000 book digitial ,ibrary (anffrowing), as well as statistcal modeling of econometrics and comnpamies including hedging (Monte Carlo Simulations) will als be doing video and audio editinmg and some web site hosing.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>wuith 40/1000 ethernet being talked about as well as InfinioBand should i just wire forone of those insted as senseless to cut acallopen twice.</P>
<P>The storgage area for the centralized computers and data storage, nodes will als have some, is already wired, cooling vents cut and installed to dump excess het into the building, it is a condo, exhaust stsrem as wellas the room can be closde and kept air=conditioned with the heat dumbs turned off.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>My question is the wiring with the wotk i do, my2 terabytes is full bringing 3 more on line, and exopct much more, it only makes sense to look at the backbone to see if it will be abottle neck.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>What are your feelings. 10/00/100, 40 gigabyte ethernet,or 100 gigabyte eithernet or InfiniBand? I can run the CAR 6 and just change switches and routers later as needed but is far cheaoer to put it the wire growth path now. What do you recommend. we will be runnng anywhere from 6 at the start to 40 cores, te database will be a dedicated node, maybe if overloaded a 2nd database or nas WILL BE ADDED. i USE scsi SYSTEM REFERRABLY AS TRAINED THAT WAY BUT MAY ALSO LOOK AT rAID AT LEAST rAID 5 sata SYATES, WITH FAST DUAL or a QUAD iore, or multile Dual or Quad Cores in the groth path.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>whawould you sujest as homes will soon neeed a central data management vault where even game consoles feed the system instead of multiole cmputers everywhere.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Later we will be doing the smae to a TESDA accreduted Private Philippone Technical Collegee with approximaeyly 150 nodes, and muliple servers and NAS systems, so plannong goes for both. and my home HPU may be the daily offsite, out of the cointry even,daily back up, I canm get guranteed bandwidgth so tey could actually use server here but that pushes it with internationak work in real time as the Philippines is far ferom haHawaii in rebilility. And the Philippine Static Modem is tooslowfor that many to access in real time. Thank y</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Mike<BR>--- On <B>Wed, 7/23/08, Gerry Creager <I><gerry.creager@tamu.edu></I></B> wrote:<BR></P>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(16,16,255) 2px solid">From: Gerry Creager <gerry.creager@tamu.edu><BR>Subject: Re: [Beowulf] Drive screw fixed with LocTite<BR>To: "Perry E. Metzger" <perry@piermont.com><BR>Cc: beowulf@beowulf.org, "David Mathog" <mathog@caltech.edu><BR>Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 5:12 PM<BR><BR><PRE>Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> "David Mathog" <mathog@caltech.edu> writes:
>> A vendor who shall remain nameless graced us with a hot swappable
>> caddy in which one of the three mounting screws used to fasten the
>> to the caddy had been treated with blue LocTite. This wasn't
>> from external inspection, but the telltale blue glop was on the
>> when the screw finally let go and came out. It was beginning to look
>> like power tools were going to be needed to get it out, and the screw
>> head was pretty badly torn up after removal.
> I believe a touch from a soldering iron will usually loosen LocTite,
> but that might also damage a drive, so be careful.
Acetone or mineral spirits will also take care of locktite. Based on
some rather harsh experience showed that the piddly little heat
generated by a soldering iron won't really cause much damage.
>> This is the first time I have encountered a drive screw on a removable
>> drive which was, well, unremovable. Is this a trend or are we just
>> dealing with a sadistic assembler?
> I've never seen it used with a drive, it is certainly not normal.
> Perry
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