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<p>We are considering to upgrade our cluster to the "testing" Debian 3.0,
rather than to the
<br>"stable " Debain 2.2. We only need the base system and LAM, and the
number of bugs that
<br>affect to the base system 3.0 is really low so it seems reasonable
to choose it.
<p>Any positive/negative experiences with Debian 3.0 ?
<p>Also, on more general terms, it seems to me that the majority of Beowulfs
are running
<br>Red Hat. What are the reasons to prefer it to Debian ?
Dr. Manel Soria
ETSEIT - Centre Tecnologic de Transferencia de Calor
C/ Colom 11 08222 Terrassa (Barcelona) SPAIN
Tf: +34 93 739 8287 ; Fax: +34 93 739 8101
E-Mail: manel@labtie.mmt.upc.es</pre>