[Beowulf] MPI synchronization problem

Michel Dierks m.dierks at skynet.be
Sun Nov 12 17:35:57 PST 2006

Geoff Jacobs wrote:
> Michel Dierks wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm developing an application to calculate the Mandelbrot fractal.
> Hmm... I never did this when I was learning the ropes. There is a pretty
> example included with the mpich source code to do Mandelbrot fractals if
> you need something to crib from.
>> My problem is:
>> from the master I will send to each free node for computation a message
>> containing the values of one screen line.
> I would think you can get away with transmitting just the boundaries of
> the section of complex plane which you will be plotting, as well as the
> iterative limit, color interpretation, etc. Slaves can determine what
> portion they must calculate from their ranks.
>> After a time the nodes will send back the results.
>> I have see that I can use MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv for non-blocking
>> communication. This give me no problem if we are talking about of one
>> send and one receive. But how can I handle the sending from each node to
>> the master without  data corruption.
>> Must I implement a send and a receive buffer for each node (16 nodes
>> means 16 buffer in and 16 out) ?
> The software I've implemented has tended to be rather dynamic, so it
> seemed easier to use discrete sends and receives. In your case, you will
> be calculating a vector of fixed size on each slave (one row for your
> resultant image per). It would be logical to use a collective
> communicator like MPI_Gather to automatically populate the array
> representing your raster image.
> http://csit1cwe.fsu.edu/extra_link/pe/d3a64mst07.html#HDRIGATH
>> Can someone help me? Please
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>   Hello,
> it is now 2 days that I'm facing with the following problem.
> The master send messages to nodes (about 200 separate messages for each node).
> I cannot group them, I must send messages after messages to each nodes and to response to Geoff Jacobs I cannot use MPI_Gather because I must determined on which node I will send the next message ( based on list of free nodes).
> My send is running correctly and my receive too for the first message
> but not for the second. I can see that the master send the second
> message and that MPI_Iprobe  on the node see that a message is arrived.
> But after this MPI_Iprobe , MPI_IRecv doesn't work this time. Why ?? I
> have made some research on the mpi forum and on some other places but I
> cannot found a correct explanation. All example given are more talking about one send and one receive but not on multiple send and receive on more than one node. I have found the routine MPI_Request_free and test it but this one give error telling me that I have an invalid handler.  After some research again, I have found this at http://www.pdc.kth.se/training/Talks/MPI/Persistent/more.html Point 2 on the page:
> "When a program calls a non-blocking message-passing routine such as
> |MPI_Isend|, a request object is created, and then the
> communication is started.  These steps are equivalent to two other MPI
> calls, |MPI_Send_init| and |MPI_Start|.  When
> the program calls |MPI_Wait|, it waits until all necessary
> local operations have completed, and then frees the memory used to
> store the request object.  This second step equals a call to
> |MPI_Request_free|."
>>  So I don't understand anymore what to do.
>> Can someone of you tell me clearly what I'm doing wrong? 
>> Here below the part of my code who run on the nodes:
>>      /*****************************
>>      *  Parts running on node     *
>>      *****************************/        
>>         /* Memory Allocation to buffer_sendi and buffer_recvd */       
>>         if ((buffer_sendi=(int *)malloc(MAX_INT * sizeof(int)))==NULL)
>>         {
>>             exit(1);
>>         }
>>         if ((buffer_recvd=(double *)malloc(MAX_DOUBLE * sizeof(double)))==NULL)
>>         {
>>             exit(1);
>>         }
>>         /* Until receive tag with value -99 loop */
>>         do 
>>         {    
>>             MPI_Iprobe(0,MPI_ANY_TAG,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&flag,&status_recvd);
>>             if (flag==1)
>>             {
>>             /* Reception from master */
>>             MPI_IRecv(buffer_recvd,MAX_DOUBLE,MPI_DOUBLE,0,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&status_recvd);		    MPI_Wait(&request_recvd,&status);
> 		/*
>                 some calculation
>                */
>             /* send  buffer_sendi  to master */
>             MPI_ISend(buffer_sendi,MAX_INT,MPI_INT,0,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
> 	    MPI_Wait(&request_recvd,&status);
>             }
>         }while(buffer_recvd[0]!=-99.00);
> Thanks for your help.

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