
k. vengadesan venk11 at
Tue Sep 4 00:23:14 PDT 2001

Dear Sir,

        We came to know you through the web.

        We are currently working on structure 
prediction works. we wrote our own fortaran program to

do this computation. It took long CPU time
to complete this computation in the pentium-
III 650 MHz processor which has linux operating system
and 10 GB hard disk. Each time we have to generate
1000 structures. it can be parallized easily. 
so we bought another one pentium III machine
(Exactly same specification as the first PC) 
Then we clustered two PCs using pvm as well as 
MPI and ordinary external network. we parallesied
our program such as 500 structures calculations to 
FIRST PC and another 500 to second PC. Then the
computation time reduced to approximately half.
We are happy about this. here the input data stored
in both PCs and we distribute only the
numbers(eg.501to 1000)
when staring the computation and only at the end of
computation. so, the less communication only used
during the
results needed for further computation

We have to do lot of research on this same area.
so, we planned to build large beowulf computer(may 
be with more than 16 processor). however, we have
bit experience as stated above. we don't know exactly
are harwares and softwares to be buy to build such a 
computer. Unfortunately, no person around our place to

contact about this.

So, could you please guide us, what are things we have

to buy to build such a beowulf computer, which is 
applicaple to our work (as stated above). 

we have the fund for this around $63,000 from our 

I think these informations are enough for you to 
guide us, or if you have doubt about us(regarding the 
above, please free to contact.

so, could you please give us the complete list of
and softwares to build beowulf computer(may be with
If you can't give this, please show us a person, whom
to be
contact regarding this.

the uncommercial help or the prebuilt beowulf most
prefered one.
waiting for your reply.
Yours sincerely,
K. Vengadesan

K. Vengadesan
Research Fellow,
Department of Crystallography and Biophysics
University of Madras
Guindy Campus, Chennai-600 025, INDIA
e-mail:venk11 at
phone: 91 44 2351367

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