automating commands on nodes

Victor Ortega vor+ at
Tue Jun 6 12:06:26 PDT 2000

On Tue, 6 Jun 2000, Robert G. Brown wrote:
> I agree, although my measurements (published last week on the list) do
> show that the bulk of the "cost" of ssh relative to rsh comes from the
> original RSA handshake, not from the encryption.

But I believe that your benchmarks were done with copying small files;
I am worried that forwarding a full X connection, encrypted, over ssh
from some internal node (ssh into head node, ssh into some internal
node, load up some big GUI) will incur a big performance penalty.  I
tried this yesterday with a simple two-hop connection, and the GUI was
twice as slow (it was slow enough already with just a single encrypted
X connection going over our external 10base-T network).  Unfortunately
I have no benchmarks for this.

Aside from that, I agree that the cost of encrypting communications
within the internal network is probably negligible.


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